On the application screen you can see a characteristic grid in the background. It indicates an alpha channel, that is transparency.
Everything that will be placed on the working area, for example a text, an picture, a frame, or a rectangle, will be visible on a transparent background. The working area is of the same size and proportions as the production screen. This means the text’s position and size corresponds to the real view on the screen later.

On the application screen, the following can be distinguished:
- Menu bar,
- Horizontal toolbar,
- Vertical toolbar,
- Working area (image below)

Menu bar
Menu bar is located in the top left part of the screen. You can find 8 main options there:
- File,
- Edit,
- View,
- Object,
- Text,
- Scene,
- Options
- Help.
Horizontal toolbar
Below the menu bar, you can find a horizontal toolbar. It allows for quick access to tools related to the text’s font (font type, size, italic, bold, underline), positioning of the inserted objects (picture, text, frame, or rectangle), and changes in the view of the scene (zooming in – zooming out).
Vertical toolbar
On the left side of the screen, starting from the top, a vertical toolbar is placed. Its icons allow for a quick access to editing options – Add: insert object (picture, frame, rectangle, text) and select object mode.
Working area
In this area, the items (text, picture, frame, rectangle) are placed. What is visible in the working area will later appear on Preview or Production screen. It is therefore important to select an appropriate image system at the start of the Still Editor module, for example 1080×50. Image system in which you are working is displayed at the top of the screen, next to the name of the file.