3D Reckeen software 1.4.21368

The list of the most important new features in 1.4.21368 version of the Reckeen system along with their short description.

The more detailed information can be found in documentation and tutorial videos:

Reckeen 3D Studio and 3D objects animation

  • Animations of any 3D object on a scene
    Moving animations can be added to any object. For example, a graph or a monitor can suddenly appear in a form of moving animations.
    Simple object can be animated in 3 phases (intro, maintenance, outro).
  • Embedded animation – embedded animations from imported 3D object are supported (non rigged, no bones)
  • Dedicated animation trigger

Reckeen 3D Studio controls Blackmagic Design devices via IP protocol

  • Black Magic control by TCP/IP commands – sending control commands to Black Magic devices by TCP/IP or Reckeen MVP100

New hardware support – Reckeen 3DSPRO

  • Reckeen 3D Studio PRO is supported by a very strong hardware platform on which products such as MVP-100 are based. In the first version of firmware, this new platform will extend the capabilities with such features: inputs will support 4 x 3G SDI, 2 X 12G SDI, outputs will support 4 x 3G SDI and 2 x 12G SDI, Independent Program Out will be available on the HDMI output, and the new platform also support Genlock REF in and Loop.

New hardware support – 12G SDI

  • At present Reckeen 3D Studio SDI is available in two versions – with 3G and 12G speed. Version with speed of 12G SDI allows you to record, play and upload video materials in Ultra HD quality – that means the quality is four times better than traditional HD 1080, providing video resolution of 3849 x 2160. Simultaneously, 12G SDI remains compatible with all the SDI equipment.

Full HD streaming support

  • FUllHD streaming support (YouTube)

New configuration button in AudioMixer

New configuration button in AudioMixer with:

  • audio delay control
  • dual mono
  • gain

Stability & optimization

We have fixed many bugs and improved the system’s quality and stability.

Features in 1.3.19745 version

The list of the most important new features in 1.3.19745 version of the Reckeen system along with their short description.

The more detailed information can be found in documentation and tutorial videos:


  • The following section introduces a new function called Transitions FX, that is special effects.
  • The Reckeen system has a 136 (Wipe, Slide and Alpha) database of ready-to-use effects divided into appropriate categories.

New Talent shadow and Talent's automatic pinning to the floor

  • RECKEEN 3D Studio system’s engine renders talent / presenter’s shadows in real-time.
  • Quality has been improved of talent shadow (floor level detection, talent shape shadow)

Reflections 4K

  • RECKEEN 3D Studio system renders real-time reflections from flat glossy surfaces.
  • These reflections change in accordance with altering position of the virtual camera.
  • 4K technology is a new standard for video images.  Now in 4k modes a new quality of reflections has been obtained.

Streaming on new platform

  • New streaming services added (Vimeo, DaCast, SmashCast, Twitch)

New content added

Scenography is one of the most influential elements of a virtual studio, its uniqueness will draw the audience’s attention and emphasize a character of a video material.

With RECKEEN 3D Studio, you get a ready-made designs package, but 3D Studio Editor and Studio Editor Wizard are also its integral parts.

  • With Wizard’s functionality, you can familiarize yourself with the basics of a process of creating virtual scenography.Now are available wizard projects with 45 templates, 633 decorations.
  • PBR (Physical Based Rendering) – scenography, architecture or equipment elements visible on the screen reflect properties of their real-world counterparts. Now 335 PBR materials are available.
  • The current content added to the system contains. For 3D studio 46 ready 3D set design, and for LITE there are 38 sets with more camera shoots (715 shoots in all LITE sets)

Demo sets support

RECKEEN started cooperation with a leading company involved in the creation of scenography, the result of this cooperation is 8 graphic projects made in the PBR technology for the 3D studio and LITE system. The current content includes these scenographies in the demo version. Now you can test them before making your purchase decisions.


  • From now all the set designs created for the LITE system are in 4k technology. The system provides support for earlier HD formats.
  • The LITE  has been expanded by PIP compositions.

Stability & optimization

We have fixed many bugs and improved the system’s quality and stability.

External keyboard – RECKEEN 3D STUDIO shortcuts

Vision Mixer (Production Switcher)Source Selection PGM :CAM1…Still21 … +
Vision Mixer (Production Switcher)Source Selection PRV : CAM1…Still2Q … ]
DSKDSK 1Insert
DSKDSK 1 – select next item from listDelete
DSKDSK 2 – select next item from listEnd
DSKDSK MixPage Down
CaptureScroll Lock
Programming Trigger ButtonsF1-F10
Media TraysTray Selection: Audio In … SoundCtrl + F1 … Ctrl + F9
Media TraysStop in active TrayK
Media TraysPlay in active TrayL
Media TraysLoop in active Trayapostrophe ‘
Media TraysTab selection in active TrayCtrl+1 .. Ctrl+5
V/C ShotsSpeed Transition SlowNum /
V/C ShotsSpeed Transition MediumNum *
V/C ShotsSpeed Transition FastNum –
V/C ShotsShot selection in active V/C (the first
10 shots) – move
Num: 0..9
V/C ShotsShot selection in active V/C (the first
10 shots) – cut
Shift + Num 0..9
ABCD MixerSource Selection A OFF…Still 2Alt +1 … Alt + 9
ABCD MixerSource Selection B OFF…Still 2Alt + Q … Alt + O
ABCD MixerSource Selection C OFF…Still 2Alt + A … Alt + L
ABCD MixerSource Selection D OFF…Still 2Alt + Z … Alt +
Configuration WindowCtrl+P
Camera SetupC
3D EditorV
Load 3D StudioCtrl + L
Camera SetupV/C SelectionNum: 0..9
Camera SetupUndo/RedoCtrl+Z, Ctrl + Y
Camera SetupCloseESC
3D EditorDelete the selected objectDelete
3D EditorAdd a new objectInsert
3D EditorUndo/RedoCtrl+Z, Ctrl + Y
3D EditorMove ModeAlt + Z
3D EditorRotate ModeAlt + X
3D EditorScale ModeAlt + C
3D EditorDeselect the objectSpace
3D EditorWizardCTRL + W
3D EditorCloseESC
3D EditorView Mode1..7

Features in 1.3 version

The list of the most important new features in 1.3 version of the Reckeen system along with their short description. The more detailed information can be found in documentation and tutorial videos:

Automatic firmware (VirtuMega hardware) update

This feature allows us to update the firmware on the user’s device automatically.

On the Startup Screen, the user will be notified that the newest version of software is available and, after it is downloaded, hardware will be detected and firmware updated if necessary.

Auto keyboard update

A similar function like in the VirtuMega hardware, which checks and auto-updates firmware for the connected VK-100 keyboard.

Full integration with VK-100

The new version supports all the keyboard functions (joystick, t-bar, …)

GPU performance measurement

We have added “Performance” button in 3D Editor which allows you to measure the current system performance (mainly GPU – graphics card performance).

This value depends on output video format, number of connected inputs, inputs’ format, enabled keys, media format, etc.

Therefore, in order to check whether 3D Set and current configuration is not overloaded, it should be used with actual working configuration.

4K p25/30 support

We support 2x4K p25/p30/p2997 inputs/outputs and media up to p30.
In the current version 4K p50/p60 is not supported.

Input overload detection

As there are limits to PCI-e transfers, we cannot support all the possible input formats configurations.

There are some limits. If the connected input exceeds the limits, an “overload” icon we will displayed on the input preview.

We support throughput up to 4xFUllHD p60, which means, for example:
– 4 x HD p60 are supported
– 2 x 4K p30 are supported (4Kp30 = 2 x HDp60)
– 1 x 4Kp30 + 2 x HDp60…
– …

New Talent shadow and Talent's automatic pinning to the floor

We have decided to prepare a dedicated shadow for the talent (different than the one for decorations), as problems with the Talent’s shadow had been encountered repeatedly.

We have added a possibility to render a kind of shape (spot/cross).

To use and test that feature, first you have to enable chroma key for the selected input, adjust it properly and then enable shadow for the scene and for the Talent object.

The input signal is analyzed and feet are detected to move the talent downwards to place the figure on the floor. There are 2 parameters, “Size” and “Shape”, in talent object properties and a global parameter to adjust the density of the talent’s shadow.

Audio Digital Box ADB 100 support

A dedicated audio mixer for external ADB hardware. It automatically detects the connected hardware and enables new inputs/outputs.

New content added

New 2D sets, 3D sets, 2D 4K sets, Wizard projects, videos, pictures, ….

Stability & optimization

We have fixed many bugs and improved the system’s quality and stability.

Import/Export of a streaming profile to FMLE file format (XML based format used by Adobe Encoder)


Virtual Space Maker LITE Editor has been designed to edit and introduce changes to the ready-made sets, but also to allow the users to create their own set designs. Such sets are intended for Reckeen LITE system. Just as with the previous options, in order to start the editor you have to choose the image system in which you are going to create your set design. You can launch the editor with the latest scenery (Start editor with recent studio) or load the scenery from the computer disk (Load studio). Loading a scenery is also possible later on while the editor is already running. VSM LITE Editor is also available as a standalone application to be installed on your PC or laptop.

4K resolution

The Reckeen system allows you to work in 4K resolution. This means operating the system’s up two inputs and 1 output in 2160p format, i.e. with a resolution of 3840×2160. The chroma and luma key also work in 4K format. Reckeen LITE studio offers a Full HD resolution. By purchasing additional License Key, You can upgrade it to 3D Studio &LITE with 4K resolution. In addition, up to two of the inputs, depending on the system version, namely CAM 1 and CAM 3 to which we connect HDMI signal, allows us to connect 4K input signal. We choose CAM1 input for 4K signal.

Before we start working with 3D PRODUCTION or LITE PRODUCTION application, in the STARTUP module, we have to select an appropriate video output format. We do this using a drop-down list located below the buttons. This time, we have added new output formats, labeled 2160p. Picture below.

They are characterized by four times the number of pixels compared to Full HD resolution used previously. It is a resolution of 3840 x 2160.
We can choose from among 3 progressive scan operating modes, that is full frame frequency: p25, p29,97 and p30.
We will choose 2160p30 format and press START PRODUCTION button. We will obtain this resolution at the RECKEEN card’s PROGRAM output after starting the system and loading the Production module. On the second output – PREVIEW – we get a resolution of 1080p30.
We will get information about this resolution when we hover the cursor over input bar. Picture at right.

We suggest to always match the refresh rate of the input image to the output, as in this case: progressive signal p30.


Thanks to the Color function, you can design the text’s filling, including the selection of a fill color or a fill pattern. See the image below.

After opening the drop-down list of Style options, you have the following possibilities: (image below)

  • No brush – the text will be filled with transparency, only the text’s contour will be visible on screen.
  • Solid – transfers you to the color wheel to adjust the text’s color, it is done in the same way as described above, when adjusting the text’s contour color – Outline (see the image below – arrows indicate the possibility to operate using the cursor)
  • Pattern – after opening the drop-down list, select the interesting filling pattern. After selecting the pattern, you can choose the color with the color wheel. See the image on the next page.
  • Gradient – when you choose a Gradient filling style, a window appears, as shown on next page.

After opening the drop-down list of Style options, you have the following possibilities: (image below)

  • No brush – the text will be filled with transparency, only the text’s contour will be visible on screen.
  • Solid – transfers you to the color wheel to adjust the text’s color, it is done in the same way as described above, when adjusting the text’s contour color – Outline (see the image below – arrows indicate the possibility to operate using the cursor)
  • Pattern – after opening the drop-down list, select the interesting filling pattern. After selecting the pattern, you can choose the color with the color wheel. See the image on the next page.
  • Gradient – when you choose a Gradient filling style, a window appears, as shown on next page.

In the case of Gradient, the texts’ filling will be of a gradient type selected at the bottom of the window.
Highlight it with a cursor and click on the select icon.

In the Preview window you can see how the gradient will be applied to your text. You can change the proportions of selected areas of your gradient with triangular markers. The markers are positioned at the colors’ transitions. The color set with a specific marker will be visible in the Color preview window, when you select the marker with a cursor.


Outline function allows you to edit captions’ contours.

Due to the changing screen background during the broadcast, the entirely monochromatic captions may disappear at certain moments, when the background color is the same as the text’s. For this reason, borders are added to the text with a color contrasting with the caption’s filling. The most commonly used version are white letters with a black outline, and this option is set as a default when creating texts.

The Outline function enables using different kinds of Pen Styles, that is texts’ borders.

We can choose: No Pen – captions will have no contour, or one of the following options: Solid Line, Dash Line, Dot Line, Dash-Dot Line and Dash-Dot-Dot Line.

Width is a next useful option. When you change its value, the width of text’s contour changes. See the image below.

Possibility of setting yet another option – Join Style allows you to change the shape of texts’ contour. See the image below.

The captions can be more rounded (Round, Bevel) or rather sharp (Miter, SVG Miter).

Value of the miter limit can be adjusted, if your font and its contour requires so.

You can also set the color of the text’s contour (border).

The color wheel shown in the picture below is based on the RGB model (Red, Green, Blue) extended with transparency and also Hue, Saturation, Value, and Alfa channel (which is transparency).

Texts’ color can be set using the sliders located on the right side of the screen:

  • Hue – the hue parameter corresponds to the colors on the edge of the color wheel, starting from 0 (red), through 120 (green) and 240 (blue) to 360 (red). By changing the slider’s value, the position of an indicator line on the wheel is changed.
  • Saturation – the value of saturation parameter ranges from 0 (white) to 255 (100% full saturation), by changing its value with a slider, a circle’s position along one of the square’s sides changes.
  • Value – the brightness parameter encompasses the range from 0 (black) to 255 (100% bright color of a given hue and saturation), by changing its value with the slider, the circle’s position along one of the square’s sides changes.
  • Transparency is set with an Alfa slider – the transparency parameter ranges from 0 (fully transparent, invisible border) to 255 (100% full visibility).You can also use the cursor to set all the above values (except the Alpha channel). The cursor has to catch on the line indicator pointed with a lower white arrow in the picture below.

Changing the position of the line indicator on the wheel allows you to set the color by changing the Hue parameter.

If the cursor is caught on the circle indicated by an upper white arrow, you can move it inside the square. This allows you to change all the other parameters apart from the Alfa.

The current color will be visible in the middle of the white circle.


Properties – after selecting an item (picture, frame, rectangle, text) on the working area, it allows you to modify its properties

Here, we will discuss in detail the properties of individual items that can be placed into the working area – on the example of Text item. Other items (Frame, Rectangle, and Picture) have the same number or a smaller one of properties.

Text, Outline, Shadow and Positioning functions

After opening Text Properties window, in the upper left corner you can find five main functions to choose from allowing you to edit captions: Text, Outline, Color, Shadow and Positioning.

Text function

In the image below you can see an open window of text item properties with the Text function. In the highlighted box there is a place to enter caption’s text that is to appear on screen.

The text can also be entered without opening this window, that is directly on screen with a keyboard, after clicking the left mouse button once on the caption’s text .

You can also open the object’s options window with a double-click of the left mouse button and enter the caption’s text in the edit box. The text’s size and font are set by default.

Another way to edit the text is to enable the Vertical option. Selecting this option will result in text’s rotation  by 90 degrees. See the image below.

In this window, you can also set the text’s Row Spacing and Column Spacing. The values of both functions are set by default to 0.