Control Panel VKEY 100 / external keyboard – DSK: SET PREVIEW

Enabling this feature allows you to make DSK visible on Preview. You have to choose which DSK you want to enable by indicating it in the box: Set visibility of DSK units on Preview. You can turn both DSKs on at the same time, you just have to tick both Enabled checkboxes. When you press a key with this function, DSK content will be displayed on the Preview screen and DSK buttons will lit up green.

Example: the following task is to be accomplished: after pressing F1 function key, a logo from Text1 tray is to be assigned to DSK1, then enabled and positioned on the Preview screen at X=55, Y=01 coordinates. At the same time, a text from Text2 tray assigned to DSK2 is to be shown on the screen at X=65, Y=60.

Then, after spending 5 seconds on the Preview screen, the text and the logo should appear on the Program screen via MIX transition with 3 seconds transition time. They are to be displayed for 10 seconds on the air. Then, after these 10 seconds, the text and the logo should be removed from the air via MIX transition with 3 seconds transition time.

A description of the whole procedure will be as follows:

  • Select one of the KeyF keys in the Triggers window, e.g. Key F1. Select Advanced mode in the upper right corner of the window.
  • From the Select command type drop-down list add DSK: Set Preview function using Add button and then, tick both Enabled checkboxes, enabling this function for DSK1 and DSK2 on Preview.
  • Then, add DSK: Set Source function from the drop-down list, set DSK1 in DSK Unit feld and Text1 in DSK Stream feld.
  • Next, once again select and add DSK: Set Source function setting DSK2 in DSK Unit feld and Text2 in DSK Stream feld.
  • Afterwards, select and add DSK: Set Position function from the drop-down list. In the Unit feld, select DSK1 and set the logo’s desired position on the screen. That is, X=55, Y=01.
  • Add DSK: Set Position function once again. In the Unit feld, select DSK2 and set a position the text is to have on the screen, i.e. X=65, Y=60
  • Then, add General Delay function and set a delay of 5 seconds. It will be a time in which the logo and the text will be displayed the Preview screen.
  • Now, add DSK: Transition MIX function with Transition time of 3 seconds, which will allow the logo and the text to enter the Program screen.
  • Add General Delay function again with a delay of 10 seconds, which will be the time the logo and text remain on the Program screen.
  • After that, add DSK: Transition MIX function with Transition time of 3 seconds, which will allow the logo and the text to go off the air to the Preview screen.
  • At the end, add DSK: Set Preview function – and leave the two Enabled checkboxes unchecked, i.e. turn DSK1 and DSK2 off.

The whole sequence triggered by pressing F1 function key will look like this: DSK1 and DSK2 buttons are being turned on. In the application, both DSK buttons light up green. Simultaneously, a source for DSK1 and for DSK2 is selected. At the same time, positions of the logo and the text are set. The logo and the text remain on the Preview screen for 5 seconds. They go on the air on the Program screen via MIX transition that lasts 3 seconds. They remain on the air for 10 seconds. They go off the air to the Preview screen via MIX transition lasting 3 seconds. Both DSKs are being turned off.

Note: Additional interesting use: The situation where you have more than one file in the tray from which you will be importing a source for DSK (as in the example above, Text1 and Text2 trays). Then, you can add Media: Select function (described later in the text) before using DSK: Set Source function. This will allow you to select a precise tab in the tray and then select a file that you want to assign to DSK.

Control Panel VKEY 100 / external keyboard – DSK: SET POSITION

This function allows you to adjust the screen position of a content currently loaded to DSK, from a chosen tray, or from a camera image. This way, you can position, e.g. a station logo on DSK1 and, let’s say, a movie title on DSK2.

When you enable this function, you have to select from the drop-down list in DSK Unit field to which DSK this function will refer to, DSK1 or DSK2. Then, set the logo’s X and Y coordinates on the screen in the Position field.

Point X = 0, Y = 0 is located in the middle of a field with an output resolution for which a pixel is a unit. Values increase moving to the right for X and upwards for Y.

If you made an earlier attempt to set a position of a logo or a text on the screen with Placement for DSK function, you can read X and Y coordinates’ values from the opened window. You can enter these values in the Position field.

Enabling DSK: Set Position sets the parameters for DSK on the screen (e.g. logo’s position), but does not enable DSK itself. To be able to see the effects of this function, DSK should have been made visible earlier on the PREVIEW screen (DSK buttons backlit in green).

In order to enable DSK on the screen, you have to use DSK: Set Preview function.

Control Panel VKEY 100 / external keyboard – AUDIO OUTPUT: MUTE

Audio Output: Source function enables you to select a channel you want to listen to on your Headphones. After pressing a function key F, you will hear the sound of a selected channel on the headphones and the name of this channel will be displayed on the screen under the headphones slider.

You can assign several different sources – channels – to different function keys F and switch between them. Then, the channel you are listening to on your headphones will change when you press a different F button.

Control Panel VKEY 100 / external keyboard – AUDIO INPUT: VOLUME

With enabling this feature, you are able to increase or to lower a sound value for a selected input channel by setting an exact dB value of this channel’s slider. After selecting a channel from Audio Input drop-down list, e.g. Media1, entering a value in the field, e.g. 5 dB, and enabling Audio Input: Volume, the Media1 channel volume slider will be set exactly in the position: 5 dB.

Control Panel VKEY 100 / external keyboard – AUDIO INPUT: SOLO

This function is similar to Audio Input: Mute function.

The difference is that with Audio Input: Mute function you can simultaneously silence several different Audio Inputs in the mixer, while using Audio Input: Solo function, you can only set one channel as Solo.
This stems from the definition of a Solo function:

Solo – a feature that enables sending a selected signal individually to the output. Enabling this feature for the chosen channel mutes all the other input channels. Only the signal for which the Solo feature has been enabled is sent to the outputs.