Camera setup

The startup application allows you to use the default shots immediately after loading. Each user has their own preferences, so there is a possibility to change these settings freely to suit your needs. Here, it will be shown with a case of the second virtual cameraman (V/C 2)
If you want to change a position of a camera handled by a virtual cameraman V/C in a studio – first, click on the V/C 2 tab. A view of a shots group opens. Then click on the Camera setup icon.

A window with settings of virtual cameraman’s positions will open along with the loaded shots.

At the bottom left side of the screen, you can see a menu with a list of functions concerning camera settings (shots).

You can, for example, delete shots – by clicking first on the shot image at the bottom of the screen, and then on the Remove button. You cannot remove all the shots – there always has to remain at least one.
There is a possibility to create a new shot with the Add button. The first shot that was set as a default for the studio (here Camera 1) will be always loaded as a first view.
You can clone, that is copy, a position of a camera, and create a new shot on its basis. This is done by selecting the current shot, and then using the Clone icon.
Reset button allows you to reverse the current shot to the default settings, i.e. to the first shot (Camera_1).
Rename button enables you to assign your own name to the shot, e.g. associated with a camera position in a studio.

Virtual 3D studio Configuration panel

After opening a production screen of 3D Production, you will find the virtual studio Configuration
Panel in the lower left corner. The Reckeen 3D Studio system will always open a new session with a starting studio loaded.
A studio file’s path on the disk is displayed at the top of the panel. See the image below:

The Reckeen 3D Studio system is equipped with 4 V/C channels, that is Virtual Cameras.
The backlit buttons V/C 1 to V/C 4 on the left side of the configuration panel allow you to choose which group of V/C shots you can currently configure.
The V/C buttons in the panel are fully compatible with the main video mixer. If you change the status of the main mixer (switch the V/C on the mixer), whether it is in PREVIEW (PVW) section or PROGRAM (PGM) section, the button in V/C control panel will switch automatically. V/C tab button is highlighted in red when the virtual camera V/C to which it is assigned, is on the air, that is, in a live signal on the PROGRAM screen. And when the button is highlighted in green, it means the virtual camera V/C image is displayed on the PREVIEW screen.
See the image below

However, the other way around the system behaves differently, due to the safety reasons and functional facilitation. There is no recommended of controlling the PROGRAM (PGM) section of the main production mixer with configuration panel V/C buttons. Accidental change could cause unexpected result on the air. It is, however, recommended to control the PREVIEW (PVW) section. When you change one virtual cameraman to another by clicking the V/C button in the control panel, a new button will be highlighted in green, and this change will be also immediately visible on the production mixer buttons in the PREVIEW (PVW) section and in the PREVIEW window.
Each V/C group is displayed on the screen in the form of up to 15 images showing respective virtual camera shots. The image of an active shot, which will be shown on PROGRAM or PREVIEW screen, is highlighted in a frame. (Picture above)
In order to help you fully understand the idea of working with the system, you can imagine that each of the V/C groups is a separate virtual camera in a studio, and each of them is led by an individual cameraman.

Shots, on the other hand, are specific positions of a cameraman in the studio They can be defined for each V/C camera and its cameraman – separately.

When launching the 3D Production module with a new session, you get a starting studio loaded with four (virtual camera) groups V/C 1, V/C 2, V/C 3 and V/C 4 provided with loaded shots (cameraman positions in the studio).
The initial shots – their number and the way they will look like – are determined by a studio designer.
You can specify up to 15 camera shots during a studio file design. Each of the shots is named by the designer, and, in this example, it will be a default name – ‘Camera 1’, ‘Camera 2’, ‘Camera 3’, and ‘Camera 4’ – respectively.
Therefore, this starting studio will have, the same four shots loaded at the beginning for each of the 4 V/C cameras.
It is a Reckeen 3D Studio application’s session file (* .recSession) and not a studio file (* .recSet) that determines which shot is selected as a first one within the V/C group. Note that, by default, in the starting session file the V/C 1 camera with the shot 1 (Camera 1) is set on the PROGRAM screen, while the V/C 2 camera with the shot 4 (Camera 4) is set on the PREVIEW screen. It is done on purpose, in order not to show the same image on these screens.

DSK function: Swapping the text content already on the air

When you have a file with the news ticker previously prepared in the STILL EDITOR, load it to the Text 1 or the Text 2 tray. Then, turn the DSK on by choosing the Text source from the drop-down list. The news ticker with the text will appear on the Preview screen. See the image below.

You can put your file on the air (Program) with DSK function. Image below.

Any changes made to the *.recStill files are permanently saved overwriting the file, therefore you have to create a clone to avoid this situation. Right-click on the news ticker file’s icon, and then select the Clone option from the drop-down list. For each new file clone, the filename copy with #1, #2, … index is created. This way, you can avoid making unplanned changes to the original file.

Let’s change the text in the clone #1 to show it on the air next. Right-click on the cloned file and select Edit.

A window with a preview of the news ticker opens, as shown below. Now, move the cursor over the text you wish to modify and double-click the right mouse button.

A window opens with a field for entering the text. The current text is displayed there.

Enter the new text and click OK button at the bottom of the window.

After clicking, you will return to the window with the news ticker’s preview. Now you can check, whether the entered message is not too long – it does not “protrude” beyond the screen. If everything is in order, click OK button.

On the air, in the DSK tray you have the original file selected, so all you need is to select your newly created and edited clone from the tray. Double-click it with the left mouse button.
In this way, you have prepared the news ticker changing on the air, without changing the graphics. Image below.

If you clone a couple of news tickers, you can run them in the LOOP by enabling the Autoplay function. Then, the whole sequence of texts shown on the screen with DSK will be playing non-stop (Image below). For more information see: Preparing media for broadcast section.

Using the DSK function

In order to use the DSK, you need to enable one of the buttons: DSK1 or DSK2 and select the source. Then, you have to adjust the location on the screen with Placement function. Entering on the air may occur smoothly (MIX button) or abruptly (Cut button). They operate independently of Take button on the switcher.

Example of the DSK layer usage: in order to use the DSK, one of the DSK buttons has to be enabled, then a source from a drop-down list has to be selected

  • DSK button is highlighted in green,
  • the caption is ready for broadcast,
  • caption’s preview is displayed in a PREVIEW window
  • to change caption’s size and position on the screen, you can optionally use Placement button (Note – changing the caption’s position is not possible, if it is being already displayed on the air!) – description in the further part of the manual.
  • the caption can enter on the air smoothly (MIX button) or abruptly (Cut)
  • the operation of MIX and Cut buttons is independent of the Take button on the switcher,
  • when the caption is visible on the air, the DSK button’s color changes to red
  • to remove the caption from the vision, use MIX or Cut button again,
  • after removing the caption from the air, the DSK button’s color is changed again to green and the caption appears in a PREVIEW window.

Both DSK 1 and DSK 2 layers are handled exactly in the same way. This enables using common MIX and Cut buttons to support DSK 1 and DSK 2 layers, which allows you to show both DSK layers on the air in a synchronous manner, and to switch the caption from DSK 1 with the one from DSK 2. In this way, one caption will appear, while the second will be removed from the vision. To fully understand the principle of using the DSK function, you should perform several dry-runs with Cut and MIX buttons. A PREVIEW window, where the entered texts appear, should be watched simultaneously.

The MIX function’s delay (length of transition run-time) can be set in seconds or in frames next to this function’s button.
Click Placement button below the selected DSK 1 or DSK 2 button in order to configure position and size of the object inserted with DSK, a logo for instance. A window shown below will open then

Joystick: used to change the object’s positions on a screen through rough manipulation (joystick hooks and steers the cursor) or accurate one by pressing 4 directional arrows around the joystick. On the other hand, a very accurate positioning is possible through pressing the up/down arrows displayed beside the fields with numerical values.
Central vertical controller : used to change the inserted object’s size, – you can move it with the cursor
Right rotary knob: used to rotate the inserted object on the screen- you can move it with cursor.

Downstream Key – DSK function

On the right side of the vision mixer (main switcher) block is an area with DSK functions. The Switcher allows you to decide which source or which image from the inside of a virtual studio V/C is aired. However, no program can go without graphics and text panels. They are put into the broadcasted signal in the final step, on separate layers, in the form of overlays on the main signal. They are commonly referred to as DSK (Downstream Key).
The Reckeen 3D Studio system allows you to place on the aired image up to two DSK signals at the same time. The source of such signal may be: Media (1 and 2), Still image (1 and 2), or Text (1 and 2). It can also be an image from a camera or laptop sent to CAM input. In order for the DSK function to operate correctly, the media sent to DSK must contain transparent areas. In this manner, they will be placed ‘above’ the main signal. Media without transparent areas used with DSK will completely cover the aired image with their content, which is not advisable (unless the program’s creator desired so).

Usually, panels with captions, still graphics or short computer animations are used on DSK layers. For their preparation, video formats or graphic files with a definition of transparency (i.e. alpha channel/alpha) should be used. In the case where a signal from a camera is used as DSK, its use should be connected with keying. The Reckeen 3D Studio system is equipped with its own text panels editor – Still Text. With the editor, you can easily prepare subtitles to be used on DSK layers. An additional advantage of such created panels is the possibility of modifying their content from the broadcasting program level. Swapping the text content already on the air is also possible.

Preview and Program windows – changing the signals

This block consists of several components, the most important of which is a Take button. Clicking it causes immediate switch between PVW and PGM signals. What was planned to be broadcast is broadcasted and the signal “removed” from the vision goes to PVW display. FTB (Fade To Black) button allows for a gradual transition of the broadcasted signal to black. This function is used for taking down the broadcasted image from the air and replacing it with black, for example in an emergency or at the end of a broadcast. Using this button cause a total quiet on the master audio output.
The same effect as with the Take button can be achieved by using the Auto button, with only difference being that the change of PVW and PGM signals does not occur at once, but smoothly, on a down-mix of both images and slow transition from one image to the other. You can set the time of this transition in seconds or in frames using the arrows located next the Auto button.
It is possible to control the Auto function directly from the production screen. You can operate the T-Bar slider displayed on the screen with a cursor. The same result can be achieved by using the T-bar handle on the VKEY-100 control panel.

Vision Mixer – Production switcher

An executive area – a Vision Mixer (production switcher), – occupies the middle part of 3D Production module screen. The mixer’s panel is composed of two rows of buttons with executive keys block on the right side of the screen. It is used to direct the chosen content on the air and to prepare the next materials for broadcast. See the image below.

Mixer buttons are located on Program and Preview lines. You can switch between different sources of signals on PGM and PVW by clicking the corresponding buttons.

The top line of buttons – PGM – indicates the image the source of which is sent directly on the air. The selected source button directed to be broadcast at the moment is highlighted in red.
The bottom line of buttons – PVW – allows you to indicate which image source will be aired next. An active button is marked in green. The chosen material is visible in the PREVIEW window.

12-inputs main mixer:

  • 4 x CAM – allows you to select an input source, to which a signal from a camera is usually directed. You can use chroma and luma key on the signals from this channel. You can also use a signal from an external source e.g. PC, camcorder, video player or another video source such as NDI input instead
  • 4 x V/C – allows you to select one of four virtual cameras (virtual cameramen).
  • 2 x Media – two video files from your hard drive
  • 2 x Still – two graphic images from your hard drive

After selecting and editing the sources for the broadcasted program, the next step concerns using the function buttons: online streaming, transition effects, inserting a logo or an animation during the production process with the help of DSK and others. Descriptions of the individual functions are presented below.


Up to 4 signal sources in the FULL HD format, i.e. 1080p60, can be connected to the Reckeen system’s input card.
In the case of a system with SDI card, one of the inputs supports 4K format with 2160p30 resolution, which is equivalent to the need to process twice as much data as with 1080p60. If you connect such a signal to the system, you can connect 2 additional signal sources in FULL HD format to two other sockets. In the case of connecting another source to the card’s input, an “Overload” graphics will appear on the display. Such a signal source will not be supported in the system.

Warning !!!

If OVERLOAD appears on the input preview, it is necessary to physically disconnect such source from the Reckeen system.
The maximum system throughput is checked each time a source cable is plugged in and a correct communication with the Reckeen system occurs. Priority is given to a source a signal of which is detected first. NDI inputs do not participate in the calculation of the physical inputs’ allowed transfer and are governed by their own rules described in the NDI STANDARD section.

Possible system configurations:

  • 4 inputs x1080p60
  • 2 inputs x2160p30 (card type 4x HDMI)
  • 1 input x 2160p30 and 2 inputs x1080p60

Multiview Panel

In the Multiview area, in the windows at the top left of the screen, you can display image from cameras or every video signal source and other multimedia files . There are two preview windows on the right side of the production screen:
PREVIEW (caption on the green bar) and PROGRAM (caption on the red bar)

  • PREVIEW – presentation of an item chosen to broadcast next
  • PROGRAM – presentation of a currently broadcasting signal (system output)

Mulitiview view on the production screen for Reckeen 3D Studio, as shown below.

Description of Multiview view elements :

  • Cam 1 Preview window of a camera 1
  • Cam 2 Preview window of a camera 2
  • Cam 3 Preview window of a camera 3
  • Cam 4 Preview window of a camera 4
  • Media 1 Preview window of a video file 1 from the hard drive
  • Media 2 Preview window of a video file 2 from the hard drive
  • Still 1 Preview window of a still image 1 from the hard drive
  • Still 2 Preview window of a still image 2 from the hard drive

Description of Multiview view elements :

  • Text 1 Preview window of a text panel 1 from the hard drive
  • Text 2 Preview window of a text panel 2 from the hard drive
  • Preview Preview window of a program prepared for broadcast
  • Program Window with a preview of program’s current production
  • Stream Icon enabling online streaming of a program
  • Capture Icon enabling recording of a program to the hard drive
  • Still/grab Icon enabling saving a single PROGRAM image frame to the hard drive
  • Volume & Set volume Two vertical bars showing Audio output signal level and a slider controlling the Audio output signal level
  • V/C1 Preview window of a Virtual Camera V/C 1
  • V/C2 Preview window of a Virtual Camera V/C 2
  • V/C3 Preview window of a Virtual Camera V/C 3
  • V/C4 Preview window of a Virtual Camera V/C 4

Multiview view can be set on a separate monitor in order to facilitate the operator’s work. See: Additional monitors support.
Multiview view on a separate monitor for the Reckeen 3D Studio system.


There are three options on the toolbar: File, Options and Help

Options – File

  • File – Load Session . . . – opens a session file with a previously saved production.
  • File – Save Session – saves a current production file.
  • File – Save Session As . . . – saves a current production in a file under a different name.
  • File – Go to Startup – takes you to the start screen

Options – Layout

In this option, you can choose the number of screens to display and their arrangement on the monitors.

Options - Language

Here, you can set the system language by selecting it

Options – Style

Here, you can choose the color of Style skin : White or Black

Options – Configuration

When you select the Configuration option, a window opens with tabs in its left side containing the available categories of settings:

  • Triggers – settings of Triggers for the physical PC keyboard or VKEY-100 control panel. More in the section: Control Panel / external keyboard
  • Capture – quality settings for recording to a file on your hard drive. More in the section: Capture function
  • Streaming – streaming settings. More in the section: Video program Streaming function.
  • Audio – audio settings . More in the section: Configuration Window: Audio Tab
  • Screens – assigning production windows to monitor screen. More in the section: Setting the displayed content on the monitors.
  • General – general system options are described below. Configuration Window see picture below.
  • NDI – replace system inputs as NDI inputs

Configuration Window: General Playlist window:

  • Image default Playback time – default playback time for still images in seconds.
  • Play media after selection through double click, described in the section: Preparing media for broadcast

Program window:

  • Mirror on PGM monitor – enabling this feature allows you to view the mirror image on the Preview monitor, giving you the possibility to use it as a preview monitor for the presenter. More in the section: Setting the displayed content on the monitors.
  • Show PGM on OUT 2 – in Reckeen 3D Studio as a default, a signal corresponding to PGM is set on the first card output and a signal from PVW is set on the second card output. After selecting Show PGM on OUT 2 function, you get the PGM image also on the second output.

SDI 3G Output Mapping window:

When the Reckeen 3D Studio system operates in 3G format (1080p), you have two possibilities of SDI output operating modes: Level A (Direct), Level B (Dual Link). If you want to convert SDI signal to HDMI, or your monitor requires a suitable signal mode (Direct or Dual Link), you must select an appropriate option.

Studio Editor:

Reset pop-up hints visibility to default state – described in the section about Performance

Studio Editor Wizard:

Reset pop-up hints visibility to default state – described in the section about Wizard