RSS module is a place where information about news , events, promotions and products is sent by the manufacturer. There are five windows on the start screen. Remember that in order to receive it, it is necessary to have an Internet connection.
RSS module is a place where information about news , events, promotions and products is sent by the manufacturer. There are five windows on the start screen. Remember that in order to receive it, it is necessary to have an Internet connection.
Here are five functions available in this option Language, Style, Update, Free sets and About.
Also from the Start screen you can start the STILL Editor. It is a program for creating text and graphic panels. You can prepare, for example, subtitles, logos or news tickers – which will later appear on screen. First, select from the drop-down menu an appropriate resolution, consistent with resolution of production video, and then click on the Start Editor button. You can also load a previously saved file by selecting it from the drop-down menu or by searching your hard drive, as in the previous example.
Virtual Space Maker LITE Editor has been designed to edit and introduce changes to the ready-made sets, but also to allow the users to create their own set designs. Such sets are intended for Reckeen LITE system. Just as with the previous options, in order to start the editor you have to choose the image system in which you are going to create your set design. You can launch the editor with the latest scenery (Start editor with recent studio) or load the scenery from the computer disk (Load studio). Loading a scenery is also possible later on while the editor is already running. VSM LITE Editor is also available as a standalone application to be installed on your PC or laptop.
The Reckeen system allows you to work in 4K resolution. This means operating the system’s up two inputs and 1 output in 2160p format, i.e. with a resolution of 3840×2160. The chroma and luma key also work in 4K format. Reckeen LITE studio offers a Full HD resolution. By purchasing additional License Key, You can upgrade it to 3D Studio &LITE with 4K resolution. In addition, up to two of the inputs, depending on the system version, namely CAM 1 and CAM 3 to which we connect HDMI signal, allows us to connect 4K input signal. We choose CAM1 input for 4K signal.
Before we start working with 3D PRODUCTION or LITE PRODUCTION application, in the STARTUP module, we have to select an appropriate video output format. We do this using a drop-down list located below the buttons. This time, we have added new output formats, labeled 2160p. Picture below.
They are characterized by four times the number of pixels compared to Full HD resolution used previously. It is a resolution of 3840 x 2160.
We can choose from among 3 progressive scan operating modes, that is full frame frequency: p25, p29,97 and p30.
We will choose 2160p30 format and press START PRODUCTION button. We will obtain this resolution at the RECKEEN card’s PROGRAM output after starting the system and loading the Production module. On the second output – PREVIEW – we get a resolution of 1080p30.
We will get information about this resolution when we hover the cursor over input bar. Picture at right.
We suggest to always match the refresh rate of the input image to the output, as in this case: progressive signal p30.
The start screen appears automatically when you launch the Reckeen 3D Studio system.
Thanks to the Color function, you can design the text’s filling, including the selection of a fill color or a fill pattern. See the image below.
After opening the drop-down list of Style options, you have the following possibilities: (image below)
After opening the drop-down list of Style options, you have the following possibilities: (image below)
In the case of Gradient, the texts’ filling will be of a gradient type selected at the bottom of the window.
Highlight it with a cursor and click on the select icon.
In the Preview window you can see how the gradient will be applied to your text. You can change the proportions of selected areas of your gradient with triangular markers. The markers are positioned at the colors’ transitions. The color set with a specific marker will be visible in the Color preview window, when you select the marker with a cursor.
Outline function allows you to edit captions’ contours.
Due to the changing screen background during the broadcast, the entirely monochromatic captions may disappear at certain moments, when the background color is the same as the text’s. For this reason, borders are added to the text with a color contrasting with the caption’s filling. The most commonly used version are white letters with a black outline, and this option is set as a default when creating texts.
The Outline function enables using different kinds of Pen Styles, that is texts’ borders.
We can choose: No Pen – captions will have no contour, or one of the following options: Solid Line, Dash Line, Dot Line, Dash-Dot Line and Dash-Dot-Dot Line.
Width is a next useful option. When you change its value, the width of text’s contour changes. See the image below.
Possibility of setting yet another option – Join Style allows you to change the shape of texts’ contour. See the image below.
The captions can be more rounded (Round, Bevel) or rather sharp (Miter, SVG Miter).
Value of the miter limit can be adjusted, if your font and its contour requires so.
You can also set the color of the text’s contour (border).
The color wheel shown in the picture below is based on the RGB model (Red, Green, Blue) extended with transparency and also Hue, Saturation, Value, and Alfa channel (which is transparency).
Texts’ color can be set using the sliders located on the right side of the screen:
Changing the position of the line indicator on the wheel allows you to set the color by changing the Hue parameter.
If the cursor is caught on the circle indicated by an upper white arrow, you can move it inside the square. This allows you to change all the other parameters apart from the Alfa.
The current color will be visible in the middle of the white circle.
Properties – after selecting an item (picture, frame, rectangle, text) on the working area, it allows you to modify its properties
Here, we will discuss in detail the properties of individual items that can be placed into the working area – on the example of Text item. Other items (Frame, Rectangle, and Picture) have the same number or a smaller one of properties.
After opening Text Properties window, in the upper left corner you can find five main functions to choose from allowing you to edit captions: Text, Outline, Color, Shadow and Positioning.
In the image below you can see an open window of text item properties with the Text function. In the highlighted box there is a place to enter caption’s text that is to appear on screen.
The text can also be entered without opening this window, that is directly on screen with a keyboard, after clicking the left mouse button once on the caption’s text .
You can also open the object’s options window with a double-click of the left mouse button and enter the caption’s text in the edit box. The text’s size and font are set by default.
Another way to edit the text is to enable the Vertical option. Selecting this option will result in text’s rotation by 90 degrees. See the image below.
In this window, you can also set the text’s Row Spacing and Column Spacing. The values of both functions are set by default to 0.
All the sub-options are shown in the picture.