Virtual Space Maker LITE Editor – control window – EDIT MODE: RECTANGLE AND POINTS
The set design editor provides you with various options of editing a single layer. Let’s examine an example.
Example: The goal is to insert into the set design a layer with a screen so that it fitted into TV housing. Image below: a studio with two TVs without screens.
Keep in mind that, when you add another layer, it will be placed in front of those previously added in the studio, i.e. the lowest layer is the furthest layer from the camera’s perspective. Therefore, most often the Talent layer is added at the very end (it will be at the very top), so that nothing obscures the form of a presenter.
Let’s use Rectangle mode to load the first Screen layer into the TV housing, and Points mode for the second TV to show you the difference between them.
Load the Screen layer.
Note that, after loading, the Screen layer fills an entire screen area, covering all the other layers.
Let’s use Rectangle edit mode. This edit mode is enabled by default. There is a control panel for this mode at the bottom, it comprises of five elements: a joystick, a vertical controller and three rotary knobs.
- Joystick – changing the position of a selected element / layer. The position can be also changed by ‘grabbing’ the element with the cursor and dragging it with the mouse.
- Vertical controller – resizing the element, scaling.
- Rotary knob: X plane – rotation of the element in the X plane.
- Rotary knob: Y plane – rotation of the element in the Y plane.
- Rotary knob: Z plane – rotation of the element in the Z plane.
There are two ways to operate the vertical controller:
- Click on any place on the controller’s knob and move it up or down
- Use the arrows located next to the numerical value field for precise movement of the controller’s knob.
In the case of rotary knobs, there are the following ways to operate them:
- Click on any place on the knob and turn it to the left or to the right.
- Click on one of the four triangles around the knob to turn the knob setting the knob’s dot exactly at the point indicated by an arrow. It will be a rotation of exactly 90 degrees or of a multiple of this value.
- Use the arrows located next to the numerical value field for precise movement of the knob. Use the vertical controller to reduce the size of the Screen layer’s green rectangle.
Since immediately after loading, the Screen layer fills up an entire area, the controller’s value is 100 (in%). After reducing the layer’s size, the parameter’s value also decreases.
The layer can be rotated along its X axis with the use of the first rotary knob. Click on any place on the knob and rotate it.
You can also rotate the layer along its Z axis. Use the last rotary knob on the right side for that purpose.
Use the vertical controller to get the appropriate size of the Screen layer. Then use all the rotary knobs to set the correct position. At the end, the goal has been achieved: green Screen is correctly placed inside the TV housing.
You can achieve the same effect, but much faster, by using the edit mode: Points.
Just as before, after loading the Screen layer, scale it as so that it doesn’t cover an entire area. Use the vertical controller to reduce the size of the Screen layer’s green rectangle. After resizing, activate the Points mode. When the program warns you with a message, select YES option.
Points – this edit mode allows you to perform various types of transformations on the selected layer.
After switching to this mode, square points will show up in the corners of the green Screen layer. When you hook the cursor on the corner point (the point’s color will change to red), you will be able to move it to any place. By changing positions of the points, you can freely modify the shape and swiftly adjust the Screen to the TV’s housing. Just change the positions of the 4 points.
To facilitate the task, use the icons: Zoom Out, Zoom In and Zoom 1:1.
- Zoom 1:1 icon – deletes all zoom changes made.
- Zoom In icon – enlarges the image – for example, if you want to precisely set the points in the Points edit mode, you can enlarge the area. After adjusting the points, change the view back to 1:1 by clicking Zoom 1:1 icon.
- Zoom Out icon – reduces the image’s view.
Edit mode: Points. Setting the points. Image enlarged with Zoom In.
If there are many layers in your project, remember to mark the layer’s thumbnail before introducing the changes. It will allow you to click with the mouse only on the selected layer.