Scene tab
In the Scene tab, below Clone, Remove and Save… icons there is a tree with all the objects in the studio. See the picture below.
If you have a problem with selecting an object on your screen, for example, because it is obscured by another object located closer to the camera, you can select this object from the list. The object is highlighted in red on the screen then, and its 3D Gizmo, with which the object can be edited, appears.
A list of all the objects in the studio can be displayed in two modes. You can see the objects tree in a Simple mode in the picture above, with a list of whole objects created by the studio designer. When you enable the Advanced mode for the selected object (e.g. desk_background), you will be able to see its components.
If you are working in the OBJECT mode, that is you have an object selected and highlighted in a studio, you will see additional icons above the tree: Replace , Clone, Remove and Save…
- Replace – allows you to swap objects. We can, for example, replace the desk object on the stage to another desk. The new object will be exactly in the place of the previous object.
- Clone – (enables cloning the highlighted object) – it adds a clone to the bottom of the list, and places a new object in the preview window in exactly the same location as the original. You have to move the cloned object in order to see that there are, in fact, two identical objects in the studio.
- Remove – allows you to delete the highlighted object.
- Save – allows you to save the selected object in a directory on your hard drive. If, for example, you like the studio ceiling or its another element, you can save it on your hard drive and use it in another studio project. In order to load the object, you have to go to CAMERA mode of the mouse. Then the Add – icon will appear on the screen in the place of icons: Clone, Remove and Save. The appearance of the Add icon can also be called by clicking [Scene] on the tree with a list of all objects at the very top of the list.
After pressing ADD button… a window with available objects in the Reckeen system database is displayed. It allows you to view an object when you select its thumbnail. On the right side, you will see full information about the object and its location. It is possible to search for an object by typing in first three characters or by using categories and sub-categories. If you want to add an object to the set design that is not in the database, just press “Load file” button and then select an appropriate file from the disk.
You can load objects from files: *.recNode (the Reckeen 3D Studio system’s own obcject files) , *.obj,
*.fbx, *.3mf (external programs’ files like Microsoft Paint 3D) and *.recSet (the Reckeen 3D Studio system’s own studio files).
Node section
If you select an object in the studio and it highlights in red, a Node section will appear in the Scene tab below the View Mode section, along with its subsections: Position, Rotation and Scale.
These subsections show accurate numerical values of the studio object’s settings in the subsequent modes that can be selected at the top left of the screen: Move, Rotate, Scale. Picture below.
Changes in the object can be also precisely set by clicking up or down white arrows on the right side of the displayed values. You can also enter your own numerical values of the object’s settings. To do this, select the numeric field with a cursor, so that the value highlights in blue, and enter the correct number on your keyboard.
If the object you have selected in the studio is a Talent or a Screen, then you will see an additional subsection Source in the Node section
These are the objects for which you can change the sources with the A, B, C ,D mixer on the 3D Production screen, when the Live option is selected, as shown in the picture above. See section: Selection of signal sources A, B, C, D.
If you select the Bitmap option, it means that you will not use the A, B, C, D mixer in the project of your studio, but rather place an image as a source instead. For example, if you have a couple of screens in the studio, you can put different images on some of these screens with the Bitmap option, and a movie or a camera feed on one or a few displays with Live option. If you cannot select a single display screen in the Simple mode, as all the screens were grouped together by a graphic designer, you should use the Advanced mode.
Clicking on the icon with three dots will allow you to upload an image file from your hard drive. The path to this file will be displayed in the window. As shown below.
Click on the bin icon to clear the window.
To set the Source index, click on the drop-down menu and select the index type: A, B, C or D. Then, what you have previously assigned to the sources A, B , C or D in the mixer, will be shown in the studio. See section: Selection of signal sources A, B, C , D.
To set the Source type, click on the drop-down menu and choose the type. See the picture below.
- Talent Full – the Talent type – a view of the whole figure,
- Talent Middle – the Talent type – only the upper half of the figure is visible,
- Talent Desk – the Talent type – a figure sitting behind the desk,
- Screen – a screen view,
- Other – a view specified by the user,
You should take into account that if you have multiple Live sources of the same index (e.g. there are several A objects in the studio at a time), then changing the Source type of one of them (e.g. Talent to the desk) will automatically result in changing the type of all the instances of A.
The Source type function places an appropriate image on a studio miniature. You will be able to see it in the shot’s preview in the production module. For example, if the studio designer envisaged that a source of the Screen type will be placed in a given location, then you will see a green graphics on the studio miniature. You will also be able to see a Talent figure in a position behind the desk on this miniature, if the Talent has been placed so. This facilitates operating the A, B, C , D mixer.