Still Editor
Still Editor – is an additional module for creating text panels, complementary to the Production module. It allows you to create aesthetic and impressive compositions in the form of graphic files with texts, e.g. news tickers. The text panels created in this manner can be used during the program broadcast, for example on the DSK layer. They may contain images created in any kind of graphics program (like a logo) and texts.
It is possible to set all the essential elements of texts: content, type, size, and font attributes. Additionally, you can set the caption’s scale and position, choose a color or add a contour and a shadow. Text panels created with STILL EDITOR have a very significant advantage over the graphics prepared in other graphic programs. You can modify their content in real-time during the production stage (in the Production module). It allows you to use them as templates of, for example, news tickers, where you can quickly and easily enter a new content without changing the graphic elements.
After creating the text panel’s project, you can save it as a virtustill file or export it as a PNG file.